Ocean Assault - Aug 15.2001
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The tilted camera sea from "Ocean Morning", along with a few new additions to make it a much less peaceful and quiet scene. Rendered it as a night/false dawn scene, imported in my sub model from "Moonlight Cruise" and a few F16/F117A models that I've had sitting on my hard drive for the longest time.

I can't take credit for the plane models, and I'm not sure who did them, but thanks. (yoink)

Lotsa Photoshop work here touching the image up once it was rendered. Contrails, explosion, and engine flares are all PS stuff. :)

As a special note (Belial and others) I KNOW that the stealth bomber shouldn't have flames like that. I just like the way it LOOKS, ok? Shesh. Not like you'd have a squadron of F16s and an F117A attacking a damned sub either. :)

Site is (c) 2001 Dave "Marauder" Kratky.
Steal anything and I'll <insert gruesome death scene here>